
Scan the QR code to download
the FINCI mobile app

Download Finci App
Open an account
  • Finci Mobile App

    Easily open a new account within the app – it takes just 5 minutes.

  • Finci Mobile App

    Send money and pay bills. Track income and savings. And download XML, PDF Statements.

  • Finci Mobile App

    Manage your cards in the app. Quickly freeze, unfreeze, or cancel your debit cards.

Get your tailored business account

Please fill out this short form and your account manager will start preparing a business account tailored to your needs.

  • 1
  • 2
* required fields
Select your monthly turnover up to*
* required fields

Thank you. Your details were submitted successfully.

A dedicated account manager will review your request and get in touch to discuss next steps. Meanwhile, to kickstart the business onboarding process, ensure that someone authorized to act on behalf of your company opens a personal account using the FINCI app (iOS or Android). Simply follow the on-screen instructions, which only take a couple of minutes.

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Business account opening in 3 simple steps.

  1. STEP 1

    Create a free personal account via the app.

  2. STEP 2

    Log in to the online bank via desktop

  3. STEP 3

    Proceed with business account opening

Scan QR code
to start

Business account opening in 3 simple steps.

  1. STEP 1

    Create a free personal account via the app.

  2. STEP 2

    Log in to the online bank via desktop

  3. STEP 3

    Proceed with business account opening

Scan QR code
to start